Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Painting of the Week

"Cross Rose"

2.5x5 oil on gessoboard

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It's hard to believe that the year is half over. Time is a funny thing. We want everything to hurry up and when it does, we can't wait to slow down. Take just a minute now to stop and think of someone or something that makes you smile, close your eyes and say thank you to the maker of all.

My painting this week is entitled, Cross Rose, and was inspired by wanting to get out of the box and try something unconventional. The support is the cross brace of my old easel. I love to paint using fresh flowers, but they don't last very long. So, you have to either photograph them, or do quick, studies to try to capture their beauty. This painting is very small, even for me, and the surface of the gessoboard was tricky. It was an interesting combination of objects and in the end, I learned a few things so the journey was not wasted. What more can we ask for from painting or from life? Until next week.......JB

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