Friday, November 21, 2008


"Harvest Moon"

8x10 oil on canvas

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It's harvest time. A time of gathering. A time for being thankful. This small painting is entitled, Harvest Moon. It has a warm feeling like we experience when we gather with friends and family this time of year.

I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving. And if you don't happen to celebrate the holiday, just pause and give thanks for all of the many blessings we have as a people and a country. Use the holidays as an excuse to perform random acts of kindness. You never know what impact you will have or the lives you might change. Until next month......JB

Sunday, October 19, 2008


6x8 oil on canvas
on masonite
It's Fall again. The mornings have that crisp edge. The days are shorter. The year is winding down. The pumpkins are everywhere.

This is my painting of the month entitled, "October". When I think of Fall, one of the first things I visualize is all of the pumpkins. As kids we couldn't wait to carve one, and then smash it on Halloween night as a trick, after we got the treat of course.

Everyone has a favorite season and Fall is mine. I've tried to capture that feeling in this small painting. Until next month....................JB

Friday, September 26, 2008

September 2008

"A Quiet Place"
9x12 oil on canvas

"A quiet place." How often I wish I could escape to just such a place. When the daily grind gets to be too much, it is the quiet places such as this that offer rest for our weary souls.

An actual palce in northern Illinois, it is good to know that such places do exist. This is a small work on canvas. The colors attempt to imitate nature although her pallet still escapes me for the most part. Just being out there, away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday is a joy.

Make an effort to find your own quiet place. It may be as near as your own backyard. Give yourself permission to stay for awhile, slow down, reevaluate, let go, and feed your spirit with the joy, hope and peace of things that are yet to be.............Until next month, JB

Friday, August 29, 2008

August Post

"Letting Go"
11x14 oil on canvas

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It's August, time for change, children returning to school, a time for letting go. Change is what its all about and letting go is hard. Unfamiliar territory can be daunting no matter what the situation. But in letting go we can experience real freedom. Growth occurs as we spread our wings and test our limits. Sometimes with our kids the testing is the tough part. Some tend to want to push the envelope a lot farther than others. I've found with my own children that these are the ones who will probably be the most successful in life if we can just keep them from falling out of the nest and breaking their little necks early on.

Lets face it. Life is a struggle on a good day. Change is inevidable. One of my grandchildren has decided that he dosen't want to growup because it dosen't look like any fun. I can identify with him. Sometimes its not much fun being grownup! It's a good thing we don't have a choice, or the world might be run by ten year olds....Huh. No, I won't go there.

Letting Go is the title of this painting. Letting go does not come naturally. It is a learned behavior. With freedom comes growth. Growth opens doors to greater understanding and compassion. Understanding and compassion open the door to great joy. Let go, it may be easier than you think if you just let go! Until next month......JB

Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Summer Time

"Emma & the Chickens"
5x5 oil on canvas on masonite
It's summer time and I have had grandkids running out my ears, which is my excuse, lame as it is, for not posting in June! Summer weather is hot and outdoor chores are usually done early in the morning. This small painting is a reminder of simple times and places. "Emma & the Chickens" reminds me of summers spent on the farm. I was actually terrified of the chickens, being a city girl. They always tried to peck the buttons on my dresses. The old rooster was especially aggressive and much time was spent trying to figure out how to avoid him when gathering eggs. He eventually ended up as dinner after crossing swords with my aunt one to many times!
I sometimes wish my grandchildren could experience the joy of simple things. Kick the can would probably not hold a candle to X-Box 360 though! You can't go back. Just allow time this summer for making memories, not the kind you can buy, but the kind that take a little extra effort and imagination. Memories that will last a lifetime are often those that cost little or nothing monetarily.
Until next month.....JB

Friday, May 23, 2008

May Flowers

"No Vacancy"

11x14 oil on canvas

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This piece is about new beginnings. The end of spring and the beginning of summer. New life in new places. Building nests and fledglings spreading their wings in anticipation of that first flight.

I had the priviledge of watching my grandson graduate from high school last week. What a joy to see him complete 12 years of school successfully. To see one so young and full of life. It gives you faith that things are going to turn out alright. Isn't it amazing how the wheel of time keep on turning. The dreams of one generation really are the reality of the next.

It gives us pause to stop and think about what kind of reality we are dreaming up for the future. Because the buck dosen't stop here. It gets handed down to the next generation and they have to make it stretch a little farther than we did!

That's it! The painting of the month is entitled, "No Vacancy". We're heading to Mexico the first of June so hope to have some southwest flavor for you next month. Until then.......JB

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Showers!


5x6 watercolor

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on Ebay

Remember that saying, April showers bring May flowers? That is what I thought about when I looked at this painting this morning. We need the rain for the crops, landscape, rivers and lakes. But, do we need the rain in our lives, not literally, but in the form of problems, crisis, illness. No one looks forward to that, but I believe that it is through the trial and tribulations that we grow in wisdom and strength. That old saying, what dosen't kill us makes us stronger is true. A funny thing also occurs in the midst of problems, we discover that we are not in control and we can't always fix it. If you have faith in God, you usually reach upward for comfort, and if you believe in miracles, you give up control and turn the problem over with faith that whatever the outcome it's gonna be alright.

So, maybe we do need the rain to be able to appreciate the sunshine when it reappears, not only literally, but spiritually as well. May God bless you always, rain or shine. Until next month....JB

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What's New for March

"June's Fancy"

4x7 colored pencil
on paper

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Given the weather we've been having in Texas, it's hard to imagine it will ever be warm enough for the roses to bloom again. But, that's why we look forward to the changing seasons. Just when you're sick and tired of one, it's time for a change. Change is good for all of us. It makes us appreciate where we've been and what we've experienced, and it gives us a chance to start over and try and get it right this time around.

This is my painting of the month. A little change for me in that it is my first attempt at colored pencil. It sure makes you appreciate something more when you actually try it instead of just critiquing others attempts, and this could be said for a lot of other things as well. We are all good armchair quarterbacks. It takes getting up and diving in to appreciate the amount of work that goes into most things that are worth doing.

As always, your comments on the work are always appreciated. This month's painting is entitled, "June's Fancy".

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A New Year!

"I'll Fly Away"

8x10 oil on

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on Ebay

It's a new year and along with my many other resolutions,
I hope to get this painting blog up and running again. I'm
starting with this small painting of a fairy on the back of an
eagle, flying off into another place and time.
Wouldn't it be great if you could just step into the
canvas and escape the rat race for awhile.

This painting is entitled, "I'll Fly Away". Imagine
the possibilities!!!