Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Painting of the Week!

7x12 oil on canvas
buy this painting on ebay Sold!

This little landscape was inspired by the Smokey Mountains and a trip along the Blueridge Parkway. I love that part of the country and am envious of all those who are privileged to live there. I try to make it to the Smokies once a year, preferably during the months of July or August as the heat is usually unbearable in Texas at that time.

I love the way the mist just comes out of nowhere and before you know it you can't see your hand in front of your face. It brings back memories of all of those scary movies you saw as a kid and you really are tempted to look over your shoulder, or did you hear footsteps, surely it was your imagination.

The locals are honest, tough people who are used to the hardships mountain life can bring. When you get back in the hills, there are few luxuries unless you count the hush of the forest broken only by birdsong or the rush of a mountain stream. I was once caught in a ravine taking pictures of a waterfall when a storm broke out. By the time we climbed out, the air was so heavy you could cut it with a knife and my lungs felt like they would explode.

So, if you get a chance to visit the Smokey Mountains stop by Ashville and Little Switzerland up on the Parkway. I promise you won't be disappointed! Until next week......JB

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