Friday, June 8, 2007

Painting of the Week

8x11 oil on canvas/panel
I went to my grandson's High School graduation last night. It seems like just yesterday he was refusing to sit down in his car seat, wanting to stick his head out of the sunroof! We have so little time on this earth to make a difference in someone's life. I hope it is for the better, positive and uplifting. There's just not enough of that nowadays. So, bite your tongue and think of something nice to say. It won't hurt you and just might be the bright spot needed in someone's day.
Speaking of bright spots, I love the spring landscape when the trees start to leaf out and the redbud and dogwood trees start to bloom. I took this picture when we were living in Kansas. It always reminds me of how wonderful it was when spring finally came and we could put the cold wind of winter behind us. I have always loved the four seasons. Change is inevidable and not always welcome, but somehow we manage. Spring brings new life and renews our spirit. The four seasons, especially spring, speak of a creator who will someday reconcile all things! Until next week.......JB