Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What's New for March

"June's Fancy"

4x7 colored pencil
on paper

buy this painting on Ebay

Given the weather we've been having in Texas, it's hard to imagine it will ever be warm enough for the roses to bloom again. But, that's why we look forward to the changing seasons. Just when you're sick and tired of one, it's time for a change. Change is good for all of us. It makes us appreciate where we've been and what we've experienced, and it gives us a chance to start over and try and get it right this time around.

This is my painting of the month. A little change for me in that it is my first attempt at colored pencil. It sure makes you appreciate something more when you actually try it instead of just critiquing others attempts, and this could be said for a lot of other things as well. We are all good armchair quarterbacks. It takes getting up and diving in to appreciate the amount of work that goes into most things that are worth doing.

As always, your comments on the work are always appreciated. This month's painting is entitled, "June's Fancy".

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