Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Summer Time

"Emma & the Chickens"
5x5 oil on canvas on masonite
It's summer time and I have had grandkids running out my ears, which is my excuse, lame as it is, for not posting in June! Summer weather is hot and outdoor chores are usually done early in the morning. This small painting is a reminder of simple times and places. "Emma & the Chickens" reminds me of summers spent on the farm. I was actually terrified of the chickens, being a city girl. They always tried to peck the buttons on my dresses. The old rooster was especially aggressive and much time was spent trying to figure out how to avoid him when gathering eggs. He eventually ended up as dinner after crossing swords with my aunt one to many times!
I sometimes wish my grandchildren could experience the joy of simple things. Kick the can would probably not hold a candle to X-Box 360 though! You can't go back. Just allow time this summer for making memories, not the kind you can buy, but the kind that take a little extra effort and imagination. Memories that will last a lifetime are often those that cost little or nothing monetarily.
Until next month.....JB

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