Friday, September 26, 2008

September 2008

"A Quiet Place"
9x12 oil on canvas

"A quiet place." How often I wish I could escape to just such a place. When the daily grind gets to be too much, it is the quiet places such as this that offer rest for our weary souls.

An actual palce in northern Illinois, it is good to know that such places do exist. This is a small work on canvas. The colors attempt to imitate nature although her pallet still escapes me for the most part. Just being out there, away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday is a joy.

Make an effort to find your own quiet place. It may be as near as your own backyard. Give yourself permission to stay for awhile, slow down, reevaluate, let go, and feed your spirit with the joy, hope and peace of things that are yet to be.............Until next month, JB

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