Friday, March 27, 2009

March Entry

"Morning's Glory"

7x6 watercolor on paper

I am ready for spring. About this time of year I start to get antsy. I want to be out in the flower garden, feel the warm sun on my back and dig in the dirt. The four seasons are just right for me. About the time I get sick and tired of one, change comes and it is usually welcome.

This is a small watercolor painting of Morning Glories. I love flowers and Morning Glories are one of my favorites. I think it is neat how they open up in the cool of the morning and then have sense enough to get in out of the heat of the day. Nature is like that though. To bad we all can't learn from her. We could all do with a dose of common sense now and then. Mother Nature and Father Time. One gives wisdom, the other notes the passing of our days.

Now, spring is sprung, at least in my neck of the woods, and none to soon. So, get out and take a walk, smell the flowers, watch the trees awaken from the winter and say thank you to the almighty that even though change comes, some things will always stay the same.

Until next month......JB

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