Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"Week Two"

"A Ribbon Runs Through It"

10 x 12 oil on canvas
with masonite backing

buy this painting on Ebay

Boy, that week went by quick! Hope yours was great. Working from home is not as easy as one might think. There seem to be constant interruptions, i.e., delivery people, repair people, weird phone calls, errands that can't wait, and just those well meaning people who think that because you're home, you won't mind them dropping in. It does have its benefits also, such as working in my pj's without putting on my makeup and being my own boss. I can only wish that you too will be able to make a living doing something you really love and are passionate about!

This week's painting is a pallet knife, oil on canvas, glued to masonite. I have rediscovered a love for pallet knife painting. I find that it is one of the few things that will allow me to loosen up as I tend to paint real tight with lots of fine detail. I will have to make it a point to do more pallet knife paintings for my painting of the week. Enjoy!